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Best Knives to Fillet Tautog (Blackfish)

Best Knives to Fillet Tautog (Blackfish)

Posted by Fishbone Knives on 11th Jan 2017

Tautog or blackfish can be found anywhere between Nova Scotia and South Carolina. They tend to stay in water closer to shore in depths of under 75 meters around rocky areas and shipwrecks which can make them tricky to snag. They are very popular for spear fishing due to how calm they are around humans making them easy to hit. They can grow to be 3 feet in length and grow to a maximun weight of 25 pounds. Because of their molar like teeth, their diet consists mainly of crustaceans and mollusks. Some of the Tautog's favorite bait include fiddler crabs, green crabs, shrimp, and worms. Tautog has relatively tough meat therefore the best combination of knives to use would be the Sani-Safe 6" wide boning knife and the Sani-Safe 8" fillet knife. We have conveniently paired those knives into the Tautog (Blackfish) Fillet Set, get yours now!